ethnographic studies
Kumu Pono Associates LLC Ethnographic Studies
The links below provide users with digital copies of selected studies prepared by Kumu Pono Associates LLC. The studies have been uploaded at a lower resolution thus the documents and figures are of poorer quality than the originals.
The studies represent years of research in a wide range of archival collections, both in Hawaii and in U.S. collections. The studies are also a repository of traditional and kama‘āina knowledge in the form of oral history interviews with kūpuna and elder kama‘āina from around the islands. The interviews are a repository of knowledge of place and life experiences which often do not make it into academic presentations. This knowledge gives life to the traditions and landscape of Hawai’i, and is a legacy for future generations.
Our research attempts to delve into the depths of a wide range of historical resources. We cite extensively, early Hawaiian accounts of native writers and other participants in the history of Hawaii, letting them tell their stories of place, practice, beliefs and change. Such documentation provides us with opportunities to ensure that information important to the culture and life style of Hawaii’s people will be available for future generations, and can be included in planning processes.
We all share kuleana for our history. We request your respect of the information in the studies. Do not cite it out of context, and always acknowledge kūpuna, elder kama‘āina and sources of the documentation.
Aia no ke kuleana pū me ‘oe! (The responsibility is yours!)