Deed of 1842 - Kamehameha III Conveying Kawaiahao Church Lot in 1842
Below is a verbatim transcript of what the deed actually says. I note here that one statement in the deed specifies: “…We also believe in the resurrection of the body at the judgment of the great day of the Lord, and in the eternal life of the righteous and the eternal death of the wicked…”
A Deed of Conveyance of the Stone House of Worship situate at Kawaiahao, in Honolulu.
In order to shew the [page 1] nature of the doctrine believed by this church and in order that after generations may not mistake in this respect it is proper to commit to the custody of writing, in this instrument the principal matter of belief of this Church, as follows. Will believe in Jehovah, that he is God, that He had no beginning, that He will have no end and that He will suffer no change, that He is not indeed visible to the bodily eye, but that He dwelleth everywhere that He knoweth all things, that He is all powerful, all wise, and righteous altogether, that He possesses every glory and every good, that He created the earth and the heavens, and men and angels, both this world and the world to come and all things that are therein, that He continues and protects all things according to His own pleasure that he alone is God, and that all other things whatsoever which may be called god are vanity and the work of falsehood [page 2] it absorbeth sin and justifieth to eternal life all the righteous who believe in Him – that there is no other name given under heaven among men whereby we may be Saved. That He is the King of Zion, that His is all power in heaven and on earth, and that he will be the Judge of quick and dead.
We also believe in the Holy Spirit that it is the Spirit of God, that it testified to men of their sin, and convinces them of the righteousness and holiness of God, and prepares them for eternal life in heaven.
We also believe that God has a church on earth, and that his purpose is to establish it firmly among all nations and to make it glorious forever, and that He desires that all who have been born again by the good word of the Lord should make themselves members of His church and should walk together before Him with holy heart in all his laws and [page 3]
We further believe that man was made in the likeness of God, that he was pure and happy and that he has fallen into transgression, and therefore that of his own human nature all men of every generation are in sin and death.
We also believe that God of His own love alone promised to give a Savior unto life, and that according to such promise He sent here to this world His Son, to be born of woman in the likeness of man.
We also believe in the Lord Jesus Christ, that He is the Son of God, that He died on the cross as an atonement for our sins, and also for the sins of the whole world, that there is abundant life in His blood, that [page 4] ordinances which He has commanded.
We also believe in the resurrection of the body at the judgment of the great day of the Lord, and in the eternal life of the righteous and the eternal death of the wicked.
It is also hereby provided — all religious sects whose doctrine is different from that which is set forth in this instrument, to wit. those who worship images and those who worship God by means of images, all who are of the denomination of the Pope, those who deny Jehovah, and who deny the Trinity of God, those who deny that Jesus Christ is God and that the Holy Spirit is God, those who deny the eternal death of the wicked and the eternal life of the righteous, those who prevent the Holy scripture by taken a part away and by adding a part away and by adding a part to the word and the attributes of God, these have no estate in this Church and in this Lot.
We hereby make over this [page 5] house and this lot with all its appurtenances unto those who shall in truth preserve the doctrine in the instrument above written and not to them who think otherwise.
And We hereunto set our names and our Seal at Honolulu Oahu, in these Hawaiian Islands this twenty first day of July in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and forty two…
Kamehameha III
Witness to the Signature
Keoni Kiwini
Boaz Mahuna
Iona Kapena
I. Kekaulahao [page 6]
Copied on Hawaii State Archives public copier – Translation Original translation in Safe
Deed of Kamehameha III Conveying Kawaiahao Church Lot In 1842 – Hawaiian (PDF)
Deed of Kamehameha III Conveying Kawaiahao Church Lot in 1842 – Translation (PDF)
Kawaiahao Historic Articles
Kawaiahao Cemetery History
Partial Working List of Names of Obituaries From Historic Newspapers of Hawai'i
The Daily Bulletin Summary
Daily Honolulu Press
The Daily Bulletin
The Hawaiian Gazette
The Daily Bulletin
The funeral of the late Miss-F-G-Morley-May-15-1888-PDF, music teacher at the Kawaiahao Seminary… The remains have been deposited in the family vault of Mrs. Haalelea, to await action of the relatives who reside in Wisconsin.
The Hawaiian Gazette
C-B-Wilson-May-24-1898-PDF , name before her marriage to the ex-marshal was Evelyn Townsend and she was a companion to Liliuokalani… …interment was in the family plot in Kawaiahao cemetery.
Kapoolele-Apau-Nov-10-1898-PDF, a native woman born at Malama, Puna, Hawaii was buried in Kawaiahao cemetery, yesterday, at the ripe old age of 127 years, 9 months and 8 days. Her interesting biography was published with the census report of 1896.
Kahele-PDF , Hawaiian female, 60 years; …certificate for Kawaiahao cemetery.
Kapule-March-21-1900-PDF , Hawaiian male, 60 years… …certificate for Kawaiahao cemetery.
C-B-Wilson-May-24-1898-PDF , name before her marriage to the ex-marshal was Evelyn Townsend and she was a companion to Liliuokalani… …interment was in the family plot in Kawaiahao cemetery.
Kapoolele-Apau-Nov-10-1898-PDF, a native woman born at Malama, Puna, Hawaii was buried in Kawaiahao cemetery, yesterday, at the ripe old age of 127 years, 9 months and 8 days. Her interesting biography was published with the census report of 1896.
Kahele-PDF , Hawaiian female, 60 years; …certificate for Kawaiahao cemetery.
Kapule-March-21-1900-PDF , Hawaiian male, 60 years… …certificate for Kawaiahao cemetery.